4590 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Консультация онколога
- Консультация уролога
- ПЭТ-КТ с Галлием 68 (ПСМА)
- МРТ одного отдела
- Биопсия простаты под контролем ТРУЗИ
- Анализ крови на ПСА
Длительность 2-3 дня
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
4590 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation with oncologist
- Consultation of a urologist
- PET-CT with Gaul 68 (PSMA)
- MRI of one department
- Prostate biopsy under truss control
- Blood test for PSA
Duration 2-3 days
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
800 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a urologist
- Consultation of a therapist
- Consultation of an ophthalmologist
- Consultation of an otolaryngologist
- Consultation of a dentist
- ECHO of the heart
- Echocardiography
- Panoramic image of the mouth (orthopantomogram)
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Urine test
- General blood test
- Ferritin level in the blood
- 25-hydroxyvitamin D
- Chest x-ray
- Fecal occult blood test
- Glucose
- HBsAg
- Antihemoglobin
- Lipidogram
- Creatinine
- Triglyceride
- Iron
- B12
- HbA1c
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
575 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a therapist
- Consultation of a cardiologist
- Consultation of a dentist
- Echocardiography
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Gynecologist consultation (for Women)
- Urologist's consultation (for men)
- load Test (Cardiological)
- chest x-Ray
- Mammography (Women)
- breast ultrasound (Women)
- PAP test (Women)
- Laboratory tests:
- fecal analysis for hidden blood
- Glucose test
- Hepatitis antigen test HBsAg
- Test for antibodies to the hepatitis Anti-HBs
- Lipidogram
- Creatinine
- TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone)
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
3500 USD
- Doctor's consultation, ultrasound
- The collection of eggs and anesthesia
- Preparation of egg and sperm for fertilization
- Fertilization with ICSI method
- Embryo development and selection
- Embryo insertion into the uterine cavity
- All medications that will be used during the procedure
- Tests:
- Tests for women:
- Hormonal analysis
- -Prolactinum
- (On an empty stomach until 09: 30)
- - Free T4
- -TSH (TSH)
- - AMG
- - Hbs Ag
- - Anti-Hbs
- - Anti-HCV
- - Anti-HIV I+II
- -Rubella IgG
- - Blood group
- - The General Analysis Of Blood
- Tests for men:
- -Blood group
- -Hbs Ag
- -Anti-HIV I+II
- -Anti-HCV
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
16620 USD - 17930 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a urologist
- Blood test for PSA
- Prostate biopsy under truss control
- MRI of one department
Procedures for the program:
- Prostatectomy with Da Vinci robot
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
1660 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a urologist
- Consultation of a dermatologist
- MRI of the abdominal cavity
- Thyroid ultrasound
- MRI of the brain
- Colonoscopy
- Gastroscopy
- General blood test
- Urine test
- Screening for melanoma
- CT of the lungs
- Biopsy (except pathology and removal of polyps)
- Anesthesia
- Medications for anesthesia
- Ferritin
- Iron
- Total iron binding capacity
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
- Anti HBS
- Anti HCV
- Anti HIV 1-2
- Total protein
- Albumin
- Glucose
- Insulin
- Creatinine
- Uric acid
- Alkaline phosphatase
- Phosphorus
- Calcium
- Protein electropheresis
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin 25OH D
- Free T4
- Tireoglobulina
- Calcitonin
- Parathormone
- Alfa-pprotein
- CA 19-9
- NMP-22
- Free PSA
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
1660 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a dermatologist
- MRI of the abdominal cavity
- Thyroid ultrasound
- Ultrasound of the breasts
- MRI of the brain
- Colonoscopy
- Gastroscopy
- General blood test
- General urine test
- PAP test (Pap smear)
- Examination by a mammologist
- Screening for melanoma
- CT of the lungs
- Mammography (>40)
- Biopsy (except pathology and removal of polyps)
- Anaesthesıa
- Ferritin
- Iron
- Total iron binding capacity
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- Anti HBS
- Anti HCV
- Anti HIV 1-2
- Total protein
- Albumin
- Glucose
- Insulin
- Creatinine
- Uric acid
- Alkaline phosphatase
- Flovor
- Calcium
- Protein electropheresis
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin 25OH D
- Free T4
- Thyreoglobulin
- Calcitonin
- Parathyroid
- hormone alpha-fetoprotein
- CA 19-9
- NMP-22
- CA 15-3
- CA 125
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
1660 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a dermatologist
- MRI of the abdominal cavity
- Thyroid ultrasound
- MRI of the brain
- Colonoscopy
- Gastroscopy
- General blood test
- General urine test
- PAP test (Pap smear)
- Blood test for PSA
- Консультация гинеколога (Женщинам)
- Осмотр хирурга-маммолога (Женщинам)
- Скрининг на меланому
- КТ легких
- Маммография (>40) (Женщинам)
- УЗИ молочных желез (Женщинам)
- Биопсия (кроме патологии и удаления полипов)
- Anaesthesıa
- Ферритин
- Железо
- Общая железосвязывающая способность
- Скорость оседания эритроцитов
- Анти HBS
- Анти HCV
- Анти ВИЧ 1-2
- Общий белок
- Альбумин
- Глюкоза
- Инсулин
- Креатинин
- Мочевая кислота
- Щелочная фосфатаза
- Флосфор
- Кальций
- Белковый электроферез
- Витамин B12
- Витамин 25OH D
- Свободный Т4
- Тиреоглобулин
- Кальцитонин
- Паратгормон
- Aльфа-фетопротеин
- CA 19-9
- NMP-22
- CA 15-3 (Женщинам)
- CA 125 (Женщинам)
- Свободный ПСА (Мужчинам)
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
610 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Check-up for men
- Consultation of a therapist
- Consultation of a urologist
- Consultation of an ophthalmologist
- Consultation of a cardiologist
- Consultation with a nutritionist
- ECHO of the heart
- Ultrasound of abdominal organs
- Thyroid ultrasound
- Panoramic image of the mouth (orthopantomogram)
- The level of uric acid in serum
- Lipidogram
- Urine test
- General blood test
- Blood test for PSA
- 25-hydroxyvitamin D
- Functional examination of the lungs
- Chest radiography
- Creatinine levels
- Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
- Alkaline phosphotase
- Ferritin level in the blood
- Blood levels of C-reactive protein
- Anti-HBs
- HBs Antigen
- Anti-HCV
- The level of T4(thyroxine) in the blood
- The level of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) in the blood
- The level of testosterone in the blood
- Total iron binding capacity of blood serum
- Anti-HIV 1/2 + p24 antigen
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
1700 USD
- Filling out a questionnaire that allows you to identify risk factors for malignant diseases (hereditary factors, environmental factors)
- Blood tests: total, glucose, lipids, TSH, C-reactive protein
- Changes in blood pressure and pulse in both hands
- Consultation with a nutritionist
- Measurement of body mass index, the amount and percentage of fat
- Consultation of specialists of the Center for early detection of malignant diseases, identification of individual risk factors
- Analysis for h mutations of the ARS gene
- Early detection of lung cancer (in smokers): Chest CT (low-dose)
- Early detection of oral cancer: examination of the oral cavity by a specialist using a lamp
- Early detection of thyroid cancer: physical examination
- Skin cancer prevention: plastic surgeon's examination, including dermatoscopy
- Early detection of breast cancer
- Identification of individual risk factors
- Manual examination by a surgeon mammologist, mammography
- Early detection of uterine and ovarian cancer: pelvic ultrasound by a specialist gynecologist
- Prevention of cervical cancer: PAP smear, gynecological ultrasound
- Early detection of testicular cancer: manual examination by a urologist or surgeon
- Early detection of prostate cancer: total PSA, free PSA and their ratio
- Rectal examination by a urologist or surgeon
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
From 22180 USD
Cemil Uygur
Oncology, Surgery · Experience (years): 22
Procedures for the program:
- Oncologist's advice
- Laboratory tests
- PET-CT with Gaul 68 (PSMA)
- Blood test for PSA
- Revision of histological material
Procedures for the program:
- Prostatectomy with Da Vinci robot
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.