Blood test for PSA
Clinics where is performed Blood test for PSA
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Doctor’s appointment
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Doctor’s appointment
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Doctor’s appointment
From 326 USD
From 326 USD
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Doctor’s appointment
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Doctor’s appointment
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Doctor’s appointment
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Doctor’s appointment
Price on request
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Doctor’s appointment
From 125 USD
From 125 USD
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Doctor’s appointment
From 120 USD
From 120 USD
Cost of the procedure in clinics
Clinics | Prices |
Shishli Memorial Clinic | Istanbul, Turkey | Price on request |
Clinic Assuta | Israel, Tel Aviv | Price on request |
Medical Center named after him.Sourasky (Ichilov) | Israel, Tel Aviv | 35 USD |
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Blood test for PSA is performed as part of programs
Price on request
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a urologist
- Transrectal ultrasound
- Blood test for PSA
- Transrectal ultrasound is performed using a high-resolution device.
- Determination of the specific tumor marker of the prostate gland PSA (PSA-prostate-specific antigen general).
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
10130 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Oncologist's advice
- Blood test for PSA
- Transrectal ultrasound
- Revision of histological material
- CT (computer tomography)
- MRI of one department
- Comprehensive diagnosis of prostate cancer
Procedures for the program:
- Brachytherapy for prostate cancer
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
1940 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Blood test deployed
- Thyroid ultrasound
- ECG at rest and with load
- Ultrasound of abdominal organs
- Consultation of a urologist
- Blood test for PSA
- Transrectal ultrasound
- Consultation with a therapist before and after the examination
- Lung function research
- Photo x-rays
- General analysis of urine and urological microflora
- Doppler ultrasound of the pelvic and scrotal vessels
- Ultrasound of the kidneys
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
1701 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Stress cardiotest
- Consultation of a therapist
- General blood test
- Blood test for PSA
- ECG at rest and with load
- Ultrasound of abdominal organs
- Thyroid ultrasound
- Consultation of a urologist
- Consultation of andrologist
Accommodation: on an outpatient basis in the Helios clinic prevention center.
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
3105 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a therapist
- General blood test
- Blood test for PSA
- Colonoscopy with biopsy
- Gastroscopy with biopsy
- ECG at rest and with load
- Stress cardiotest
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Thyroid ultrasound
- Fecal occult blood test
- Consultation of a urologist-andrologist + examination
- Tests on the exception of skin cancer
Accommodation: on an outpatient basis in the Helios Clinic Prevention center.
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
3104 USD - 3398 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a therapist
- General blood test
- Blood test for PSA
- Colonoscopy with biopsy
- Gastroscopy with biopsy
- ECG at rest and with load
- Stress cardiotest
- Ultrasound of abdominal organs
- Thyroid ultrasound
- Mammography
- Fecal occult blood test
- Gynecologist's consultation + examination (women)
- Consultation of a urologist-andrologist + examination (men)
- Tests to exclude skin cancer
Accommodation: on an outpatient basis in the Helios Clinic Prevention center.
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
14920 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a urologist
- Blood test for PSA
- MRI of one department
- Prostate biopsy under truss control
Procedures for the program:
- Prostatectomy with Da Vinci robot
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
4590 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation with oncologist
- Consultation of a urologist
- PET-CT with Gaul 68 (PSMA)
- MRI of one department
- Prostate biopsy under truss control
- Blood test for PSA
Duration 2-3 days
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
16620 USD - 17930 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a urologist
- Blood test for PSA
- Prostate biopsy under truss control
- MRI of one department
Procedures for the program:
- Prostatectomy with Da Vinci robot
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
1660 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a dermatologist
- MRI of the abdominal cavity
- Thyroid ultrasound
- MRI of the brain
- Colonoscopy
- Gastroscopy
- General blood test
- General urine test
- PAP test (Pap smear)
- Blood test for PSA
- Консультация гинеколога (Женщинам)
- Осмотр хирурга-маммолога (Женщинам)
- Скрининг на меланому
- КТ легких
- Маммография (>40) (Женщинам)
- УЗИ молочных желез (Женщинам)
- Биопсия (кроме патологии и удаления полипов)
- Anaesthesıa
- Ферритин
- Железо
- Общая железосвязывающая способность
- Скорость оседания эритроцитов
- Анти HBS
- Анти HCV
- Анти ВИЧ 1-2
- Общий белок
- Альбумин
- Глюкоза
- Инсулин
- Креатинин
- Мочевая кислота
- Щелочная фосфатаза
- Флосфор
- Кальций
- Белковый электроферез
- Витамин B12
- Витамин 25OH D
- Свободный Т4
- Тиреоглобулин
- Кальцитонин
- Паратгормон
- Aльфа-фетопротеин
- CA 19-9
- NMP-22
- CA 15-3 (Женщинам)
- CA 125 (Женщинам)
- Свободный ПСА (Мужчинам)
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
610 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Check-up for men
- Consultation of a therapist
- Consultation of a urologist
- Consultation of an ophthalmologist
- Consultation of a cardiologist
- Consultation with a nutritionist
- ECHO of the heart
- Ultrasound of abdominal organs
- Thyroid ultrasound
- Panoramic image of the mouth (orthopantomogram)
- The level of uric acid in serum
- Lipidogram
- Urine test
- General blood test
- Blood test for PSA
- 25-hydroxyvitamin D
- Functional examination of the lungs
- Chest radiography
- Creatinine levels
- Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
- Alkaline phosphotase
- Ferritin level in the blood
- Blood levels of C-reactive protein
- Anti-HBs
- HBs Antigen
- Anti-HCV
- The level of T4(thyroxine) in the blood
- The level of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) in the blood
- The level of testosterone in the blood
- Total iron binding capacity of blood serum
- Anti-HIV 1/2 + p24 antigen
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
From 22180 USD

Cemil Uygur
Oncology, Surgery · Experience (years): 23
Procedures for the program:
- Oncologist's advice
- Laboratory tests
- PET-CT with Gaul 68 (PSMA)
- Blood test for PSA
- Revision of histological material
Procedures for the program:
- Prostatectomy with Da Vinci robot
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
From 500 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a urologist
- Transrectal ultrasound
- Blood test for PSA
- Laboratory tests
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
From 20800 USD

Cemil Uygur
Oncology, Surgery · Experience (years): 23
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a urologist
- Blood test for PSA
- MRI of one department
- Prostate biopsy under truss control
Procedures for the program:
- Prostatectomy with Da Vinci robot
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.