Sergey Leontiev

Doctor Sergey Leontiev

Specialization: Cardiac surgery, Cardiology
Experience (years): 27
Knowledge of languages: Russian, English, German

Candidate of Medical Sciences, leading German specialist in the field of cardiovascular pathology, Director of the Cardiology Hospital Helios Park-Klinik in Leipzig.
Membership in organizations: German Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, European Society of Cardiology, German Society of Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery Network.

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Education and work experience


1991-1997 – First Pavlovsky Medical University of St. Petersburg (specialty "surgery").

Work experience

1998-2002-Resident physician of the Cardiac Surgery Center of the city Hospital no.2 St. Petersburg.

2002-2010-Cardiologist at the Center for Cardiology at the University of Leipzig.

Since 2011-Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the University of Leipzig.

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