Professor. Director of the Wiener Privatklinik Rainer Kotz
Specialist in orthopedics, spine surgery and surgical treatment of bone cancer. The doctor practices endoprosthetics of bones with "growing" prostheses in children after removal of a tumor. The Professor was one of the first doctors to perform hip replacement using the minimally invasive AMIS method. Member of many medical associations and communities.
Awards: sigillum Universitatis Presoviensis Award (University Of Rennes), France; gold medal of merit awarded by the Austrian Red Cross; Henry Dunant Medal; Erich Lexer Award; Erwin Schrodinger Award.
Education and work experience
1967 – studies at the medical faculty of the Vienna state University.
1970 – permission to practice medicine in the United States.
1974-2009 – leading specialist of The University orthopedic clinic.
1974 – academic degree of doctor of Sciences.
1979-1984 – associate Professor at the medical University of Vienna.
Since 2010 –director of the Vienna private clinic.