Per-Ulf Tunn

Doctor, head of the Department of musculoskeletal tumors and sarcoma center Per-Ulf Tunn

Specialization: Children's Oncology, Oncology
Experience (years): 35
Knowledge of languages: English, German

A leading specialist in the treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas in Germany. Author of new methods of treatment of bone tumors, including perfusion of the extremities in progressive soft tissue sarcoma. The doctor specializes in modern methods of treatment, including isolated chemoperfusion. The technique allows to save the limb in 80 patients out of 100 with soft tissue sarcoma. Author of the encyclopedia "Treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcoma", 68 scientific articles and more than 20 monographs. Member of the German society of traumatologists and orthopedists, the American Association of orthopedics, the European society for the study of musculoskeletal Oncology, the German Association of bone tumors.

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Education and work experience

1984-1991-studied at the medical faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin.

1987-residency at the Institute of cardiovascular diagnostics in the Charite clinic.

1990-senior doctor of the orthopedic Department of the University clinic. Benjamin Franklin.

1991-1993-Intern at the University clinic. Robert Resle at the hospital. Rudolf Virchow (center for orthopedic Oncology).

1994-doctor in the surgical Department of the Heidelberg University hospital.

1994-1995-orthopedic doctor at the University clinic. Robert Resle.

1995-1997-associate Professor in the field of nuclear medicine.

1997-1998-doctor in the Department of orthopedic Oncology of the "Buh" campus of the Charite clinic.

1998-2007-senior doctor, and then head of the Department of orthopedic Oncology and oncological surgery " Buh " of the Charite clinic.

2001-2017-MGH internship in orthopedic Oncology in Boston, USA.

2007-2017-head of the Department of musculoskeletal tumors and sarcoma center at Helios Berlin-Brandenburg clinic, as well as the center for orthopedics and traumatology at Helios Berlin-Buch clinic.

Since 2017-head of the Department of orthopedic Oncology at the Helios Berlin-Buch clinic.

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