Oscar Metzinger

Professor, Medical Director Oscar Metzinger

Specialization: Diagnostics, Radiology
Experience (years): 26
Knowledge of languages: French, German, English

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Specialist in Radiooncology (FMH). member and secretary of the executive committee of the sro (swiss society of radiooncology), chairman of the swiss conference of heads of radiooncology departments, vice-president of the vaudoise league against cancer (lvc), member of the working group and expert of the federal health administration (ofsp), committee and scientific committee "fond'action contre le cancer".

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Education and work experience


1992-1998 – medical Research, Faculty of Medicine Of Lausanne.

1998-federal Medical examination.

2002-doctor of medicine, University of Lausanne.

2006-diploma of a federal specialist (FMH title) in the field of radiooncology.

2011-gcp (good Clinical practice) CERTIFICATE.

2011-private associate professor (pd) and lecturer and researcher (mer), university of lausanne.

2015-professor at the University Of lausanne (Chuv).

Work experience

1999-2000-assistant physician, institute of physiology, university of lausanne.

2000-2001-assistant doctor of the department of internal diseases.

2001-assistant Doctor of the department Of Medical Oncology.

2001-2002-Assistant doctor of the radiology department.

2002-2005-assistant doctor of The Department of radio oncology.

2005-2006-Assistant Physician for Training, Department of Radiation Oncology, Inselspital Bern.

2006 – Deputy head of the Department of Oncology Inselspital.

2007-2008 - Head of the clinic, Head of the Department of ENT, Lung Tumors and Melanoma.

2008-2009-Radiotherapy Quality Assurance Officer, European Cancer Research Organization (EORTC), Brussels.

2009 – Head of the clinic, Head of the Department of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and skin of the Department of Radiooncology.

2010-2011-junior doctor, head of the Department of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and skin.

2011-2013-Assistant doctor, Head of the Department of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, skin and sarcomas.

2013-2016-Chief Physician of the Radiooncology Department of the Riviera-Chablais Hospital (HRC).

2016-2019-Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Oncology Service, HRC (Department of Medical Oncology, Radiooncology, Psychononcology).

since 2019-medical director for radiation oncology of the Clinique de Genolier and the center d'oncologie des eaux-vives, Geneva.

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