Khalid Assaf

Doctor. Chief Physician of the Department of Dermatology Khalid Assaf

Specialization: Dermatology, Immunology, Oncohematology, Oncology
Experience (years): 28
Knowledge of languages: English, German

Private-associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. The main specialization is surgical treatment of skin diseases, biological therapy and extracorporeal photophoresis. Winner of a research grant in histopathology, from the German Society of Dermatology and a research grant from the Berlin Foundation for Dermatology (for outstanding research in the field of pathogenesis and diagnosis of cutaneous lymphomas). Author and co-author of more than 167 scientific papers, reports and articles. Regularly participates in international and national scientific and practical congresses and conferences as a speaker, lecturer and listener. Member of the German Society of Dermatovenerologists.

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Education and work experience

1990-1997-Faculty of Medicine, Free University of Berlin, Germany.

1993-Clinical internship, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University, UK.

1997-1999-Assistant physician of the Department of Pathology, Medical School. Benjamin Franklin, Free University of Berlin.

1999-2003-Assistant Physician in the Department of Dermatovenerology, Benjamin Franklin Medical School, Free University of Berlin.

2003-2004-Specialist in the Department of Dermatovenerology, Benjamin Franklin Medical School, Free University of Berlin.

2005-2008-Senior Doctor of the Department of Dermatology, Charite University Medical Complex.

2004-2008 - Head of the Lymphoma Section at the Charite Skin Cancer Center.

Since 2009-Director of the Helios Krefeld Clinic of Dermatovenerology, the Academic Hospital of the University of St. Petersburg. Heinrich Hein, Dusseldorf.

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