Cancer Check-up for Women


Information about the program

Health services

  • Oncological check-up for women filling out a questionnaire that allows you to identify risk factors for malignant diseases (hereditary factors, environmental factors)
  • Blood tests: total, glucose, lipids, tsh, c-reactive protein
  • Changes in blood pressure and pulse in both hands
  • Consultation with a nutritionist
  • Measurement of body mass index, the amount and percentage of fat
  • Consultation of specialists of the Center for early detection of malignant diseases, identification of individual risk factors
  • Analysis for h mutations of the ARS gene
  • Early detection of lung cancer (in smokers): Chest CT (low-dose)
  • Early detection of oral cancer: examination of the oral cavity by a specialist using a lamp
  • Early detection of thyroid cancer: physical examination
  • Skin cancer prevention: examination by a plastic surgeon, including dermatoscopy, early detection of breast cancer
  • Identification of individual risk factors
  • Manual examination by a surgeon mammologist, mammography
  • Early detection of uterine and ovarian cancer: pelvic ultrasound by a specialist gynecologist
  • Prevention of cervical cancer: PAP smear, gynecological ultrasound

24/7 support

  • Personal coordinator.
  • Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
  • Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
Price: 1700 USD
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