Mustafa Ozdogan

Professor Mustafa Ozdogan

Specialization: Oncology
Experience (years): 22
Knowledge of languages: English, Turkish

Specialist in cancer treatment, head of the Department of Oncology. Author of over 40 articles on Oncology and Hematology. Member of the European Association of medical Oncology, Turkish Association of medical Oncology, Antalya breast cancer Association and American Association of clinical Oncology.

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Education and work experience


1993 — faculty of medicine of the University of Erciyes (degree in General medicine).

2000 — medical faculty of Akdeniz University (specialty in internal medicine).

2003 — medical faculty of Akdeniz University (specialty in medical Oncology).

2006 — associate Professor.

2011 — Professor.

Work experience

2003-2012 — oncologist at the Mediterranean University.

Since 2012 — head of the Department of medical Oncology at Medstar hospital in Antalya.

Since 2013 — head of the Department of medical Oncology at memorial hospital in Antalya.

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