Doctor Christian Frank
Specialization-therapy, cardiology, preventive medicine, nutrition medicine/ dietetics.
Education and work experience
1970-Studied physics and chemistry at the University of Munster.
1971-Study of medicine at the Free University of Berlin.
1977-State examination in Medical Science at the SU Berlin.
1980-Defense with honors of the dissertation on the regulation of respiration by the central nervous system and the assignment of the scientific degree of doctor.
1985-Certification as a general practitioner.
1987-Completion of additional education with specialization in cardiology
Work experience
1978-1979-Assistant Physician in Berlin with Professor Dr. Max Schwab and Professor Dr. Rudolf Schröder in the Department of Cardiology.
1979-1987-Assistant physician and Attending Physician in Berlin under Professor Dr. Wolfgang Dißmann in the Department of Cardiology and Intensive Medicine with the Intensive Care and Emergency Room.
1987-2005-Private practitioner with a specialization in cardiology in Munich, in a private doctor's office.
2005-2010-Education in the field of psychosomatics, preventive medicine and nutrition medicine, additional education in the field of holistic anthroposophical medicine.
Since 2010 – General practitioner. Department of Preventive Medicine.