Docent Harun Caloglu
Specialization: Plastic surgery
Experience (years): 20
Knowledge of languages: English, Turkish
Expert in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the nose and chest. He practiced in clinics in the United States.
Reviews: 0
Procedures performed by the doctor
Cost of consultation: Цена по запросу
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Education and work experience
1999-medical faculty of Uludan University-degree in General medicine.
2005-Ankara Educational and research hospital - specialty in reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, microsurgery.
2012-specialty in the field of facial and maxillofacial surgery.
2013 - title of associate Professor.
Pedagogical activity
2011-lecturer at the Bashkent University.
Work experience
Since 2016, he has been a plastic aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon at the Liv hospital Istinye Bahcesehir.
2010-plastic surgeon at Ronald Reagan UCLA medical center (USA).
2008-2009-Balykesir military hospital.
2005-2008-plastic surgeon at the Ataturk State hospital.