Doctor Gideon Perneczky
Main specialization in head neurosurgery: aneurysm, angioma, CNS tumors, endoscopic pituitary surgery; in spinal neurosurgery: herniated disc, spinal canal stenosis, peripheral neurosurgery. The doctor is the author of more than 50 scientific publications and publications.
The profile of the disease
Education and work experience
1977 – defended his doctoral dissertation at the medical University of Vienna. Beginning of medical practice, neurosurgeon at the University hospital Vienna.
Since 1979 – neurosurgical clinic of the Rudolfinerhaus Clinic.
1980-1994 – advanced medical training: University clinic of Zurich, University of Hanover, University clinic of Mainz, 4 courses in microneuroanatomy, University of würzburg, course in percutaneous endoscopic discectomy, Berlin.
Since 1994 – teaching in microsurgery and neuroendoscopy.
1994-2006 – scientific Director of the annual courses on traumatic brain injuries of AUVA.
Since 1986 – leading physician Of the neurosurgical clinic of the Rudolfinerhaus Clinic. He also conducts receptions and performs operations in many other clinics in Moscow.Vienna (the main directions are intervertebral disc surgery and optimization of treatment of traumatic brain injuries).