Albert Mudry

Professor Albert Mudry

Specialization: Otolaryngology, Surgery
Experience (years): 33
Knowledge of languages: French, English, German

Doctor of medical Sciences, specialist in the field of cervical and facial surgery, member of the Swiss medical Association (FMH).

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Education and work experience


1984 - doctor of medicine Degree, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

1990 - Doctor of medical Sciences.

1991 - Specialist in otorhinolaryngology, member of the Swiss medical Association (FMH)

1994 - specialist in the field of cervical and facial surgery, member of the Swiss medical Association (FMH).

Work experience

1991-1994 - Deputy head of the clinic, Department of otorhinolaryngology, University hospital of Lausanne (CHUV).

1995-2004 - assistant Physician at the University hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), responsible for consultations on otology.

Since 1995 - private Practice doctor, Lausanne, Switzerland.

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