Doctor Mauro Pirano
Specialist in neuropsychology. Participates in neuropsychological and speech therapy examinations and provides psychological support to hospitalized patients, conducts rehabilitation sessions (including consultations on memory restoration).
Education and work experience
2011-2014-Bachelor of psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
2014-2016-Master of psychology, clinical orientation and psychopathology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
2019-application of relaxation in the context of psychotherapy-Module I (Training of French-speaking and tichin associations of psychologists-FARP), Motivational interview (FARP), therapy Scheme: modules I, II and IV (Institut Romand de la Thérapie des Schèmes - IRTS).
Work experience
2016-Internship in psychopathology research, Center for psychiatric epidemiology and psychopathology, cery website, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2016-2017-Internship in clinical neuropsychology, Lavigny Institute, Switzerland.
2017-2018-Clinical internship in neuropsychology, Hôpital Neuchâtelois, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
Since 2018-Neuropsychologist, Clinique Valmont, Glion sur Montreux, Switzerland.