Volkan Tuju

Professor Volkan Tuju

Specialization: Surgery, Transplantation, Urology
Experience (years): 26
Knowledge of languages: English, Turkish

The doctor specializes in performing prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland) on a Da Vinci robot, performs a robotic kidney transplant. Professor Tuju has developed a new method of robotic surgery – "Tugcu Bakirkoy Technique". Author of more than 100 papers presented at international and national congresses.

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Education and work experience


1992-1999 – study at the faculty of medicine at Uludag University, Turkey.

1999-2003 – specialization in urology at the University hospital named Bezmialem Vakif.

2006 – study of laparoscopy at the University of Heilborn, Germany.

Work experience

2004-2010 – urologist at the scientific and educational hospital. In Sadi Konuk Bakirkoy, Istanbul, Turkey.

2010-2017 – associate Professor of the Department of urology at the scientific and educational hospital. Sadi Konuk.

2017-2018 – head of the Department of urology at the scientific and educational hospital of the Russian Federation. Sadi Konuk is Professor of urology at the University of medical Sciences in Bakirkoy.

2018-present – doctor at memorial clinic.

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