Professor Tonguch Ishken
Specialization: Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, Plastic surgery
Experience (years): 26
Knowledge of languages: English, Turkish
Specialist in reconstructive surgery, specializing in minimally invasive interventions. He is a member of many professional communities and associations.
Reviews: 0
The profile of the disease
Procedures performed by the doctor
Cost of consultation: Цена по запросу
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Education and work experience
1991 – graduated from the medical faculty of Ankara University, Turkey.
1992-1999 – specialized training in aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery, Akdeniz University, Turkey.
2000-2015 – post-graduate student at the faculty of medicine of Kocaeli University.
2015-2019 – professor at the medical faculty of the University of Bahcesehir. Istanbul, Turkey.
2019-present –head of the Department of plastic surgery at the memorial Bakhchelievler clinic.